I am jesus christ publishers
I am jesus christ publishers

i am jesus christ publishers

The birth of Jesus is also recounted in the Gospel of Matthew. Mary later gives birth to Jesus in Bethlehem, the city of David (Luke 2:5), fulfilling prophecy (Mic 5:2). Mary’s son will occupy the throne of his father David, and will reign over a kingdom that will not end (Luke 1:31–33). This verse reveals a close relationship between the Holy Spirit and the holiness of the child-the Holy Spirit will ensure that the child born of Mary (herself a sinner) would be holy.

i am jesus christ publishers

Instead of the normal process of procreation, Gabriel tells Mary that the child to be born of her comes by the agency of the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:35). The context of Luke leaves little doubt that this second reference to the virginity of Mary employs the biblical idiom of “knowing” someone to refer to sexual intimacy. In the account of the angel Gabriel’s visit to Mary (Luke 1:26–38) the virginity of Mary is mentioned explicitly in Luke 1:27 (Greek: parthenos), and again in Luke 1:34 when Mary wonders how she could be with child since she has never known a man. The Gospel of Luke contains the most details about the birth of Jesus. It is therefore significant that both these texts speak of Jesus’s birth of a virgin. The clearest places where the virgin birth is taught are the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, for these are the only two places in Scripture where the birth of Christ is narrated. Biblical Basis for the Virgin Birth Gospels of Matthew and Luke Neither of these doctrines find support in Scripture. Two caveats may be helpful: I will not discuss (1) the perpetual virginity of Mary, nor will I discuss (2) the theory of the immaculate conception, by which Mary herself was supposedly guarded from original sin. I will use the more familiar phrase “virgin birth” to refer throughout to the virginal conception of Jesus. In what follows I will discuss some of the biblical basis for the virgin birth, the virgin birth in the history of the church, and some practical implications. Jesus was not represented by Adam when the first man sinned, and is therefore not “in Adam.” Instead, Jesus is the head of new creation. The virgin birth also is the means by which Jesus was born holy and sinless, in distinction from all other children born naturally since Adam. He was born of Mary with a true body and a reasonable soul. The virginal birth is the means by which the eternal Son of God became incarnate as fully human. Instead, Jesus was uniquely conceived in the womb of the virgin Mary by the power of the Holy Spirit. The game takes place in a highly detailed, beautifully crafted faithful recreation of the Holy Land including the City of Jerusalem and the Galilee region where Christ spent so much time spreading the gospel’s message and performing miracles.The virgin birth refers to the supernatural birth of Jesus Christ apart from the normal, physical process of procreation.


But the new game takes full advantage of next-gen technology to put gamers right in the center of all the heart-pounding itinerant preaching action: healing the sick, calming the seas, cursing a fig tree, suffering under Pontius Pilate, drinking vinegar mixed with gall.Īmbitious in scope and accurate in its level of detail, I am Jesus Christ will give players the chance to interact with a cast of over 60 Biblical characters and perform over 30 miracles including feeding the masses and resurrecting the dead. I Am Jesus Christ is far from the first video game to faithfully adapt the Bible: It follows so closely in the footprints of Red Sea Crossing, Billy Graham’s Bible Blaster, and Super Noah’s Ark 3D that at times it looks like there’s only one set of footprints.

I am jesus christ publishers